Biddeford Recreation
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Staff Response to Covid State Guidelines for Camp 2020

Biddeford Recreation Department Summer Program Outline Covid-19

As we wrestle with the decision whether or not to provide a summer program staff has worked to provide a plan to host a program. It is important to keep in mind no matter the amount of protections we put in place there will continue to be a risk of exposure to youth and staff alike. We must remember children will gravitate to one another and want to “play” which we know is the “work of children”. We all want our children and staff to be safe and this outline provides a high-level review of the CDC guidelines and methods for reducing those risks. We also understand that the purpose of running such a program is to support families in need of a safe place for their children to be during some of the hours of the day. It is also important to recognize that if a program takes place it is clear that it will not look or operate as the traditional camp has. As we know information on the subject of this virus continues to be fluid and if a decision is made to provide a program we will continue to do our best to keep abreast of updated information.

I want to thank Matthew Duplisea (Youth & Family Program Coordinator), Nikki Billingslea (Camp & Cub Care Director) and Alicia Keezer (Assistant Camp & Cub Care Director) for their work with this document. Also, thanks to Brian Phinney, COO for his contribution to this document.

Carl Walsh Recreation Director

COVID19 Prevention Checklist Industry Guidance from the Maine CDC The State of Maine has adopted a staged approach, supported by science, public health expertise and industry collaboration, to allow Maine businesses to safely open when the time is right. The plan is available at This is one of many industry guidance documents the State is preparing for businesses so they can be prepared to meet health guidelines and reopen safely. Please make sure you pair this document with the general guidance document that applies to all industries, which is available on Please note: This document may be updated as additional information and resources become available. Phase 2: Day Camps and Summer Recreation Programs Released: May 20, 2020.
*All information in italics is staff response to the Maine CDC Checklist.*

A. Promote healthy hygiene practices
1. Teach and reinforce washing hands and covering coughs and sneezes among campers and staff.
 We will be doing an informational instruction for all campers providing games- songs that promote     healthy hygiene practices. Staff instruction will be done during their virtual and onsite training before   the beginning of camp. Specific detail needed if a decision is made to move forward.
2. Teach and reinforce use of cloth face coverings among all staff. Face coverings are most essential in times when physical distancing is not possible. Staff should be frequently reminded not to touch the face covering and to wash their hands frequently. Information should be provided to all staff on proper use, removal, and washing of cloth face coverings.
  We will be discussing this during our virtual/onsite training week before the start of camp. Specific    detail needed if a decision is made to move forward.
3. Have adequate supplies to support healthy hygiene behaviors, including soap, hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol (for staff and older campers who can safely use hand sanitizer), tissues, and notouch trashcans.
 Before the beginning camp the Youth and Family Staff will be meeting with the Recreation Director to   make sure that all supplies are ordered and abide by the CDC guidelines. Specific supply lists and   consumables will be developed and priced if a decision is made to move forward.
4. In settings where physical distancing is not possible, campers should wear face coverings when practicable and age, activity, and developmentally appropriate. See the American Academy of Pediatrics website for more information.
 This is a continuing discussion on whether to provide these for campers from the department or have   them come from home. In regards to use – we will be following the guidelines from the Maine CDC   when social distancing is impossible. This needs to be defined if there is a decision to move forward.
5. Post signs on how to stop the spread of COVID-19, properly wash hands, promote everyday protective measures, and properly wear a face covering.
 We will post signs from the Maine CDC in many visible high traffic areas as possible.
6. Provide educational materials in advance to families for sharing with campers prior to camp and reinforce awareness at staff and camper orientation and periodically thereafter for all throughout the camp experience.
 In regards to the COVID 19 situation – we will be providing parents prior to camp with an updated   parent handbook with this information included. We will be reinforcing these materials throughout the   duration of camp. We will hand these materials out to our staff at virtual/onsite training week. Time   for additional detail review and document development is required if there is a decision to move   forward.

B. High Risk Populations
 At this point, discussions have not been made about dealing with campers that are in the high risk   population – we will be seeking further guidance on how to address this issue as we receive more   information once a decision is made regarding camp. This is an extensive list and considerable   thought will need to go into review of each issue, possible mitigation/risk reduction strategies, and   the practicality of implementation given space and staff limitations. We will be reaching out to HR in   regards to staff that will fall under the High Risk category.
1. Vulnerable or high-risk populations require special consideration for day programs.
2. Parents of campers should work with their primary care provider and the camp director to determine if camp is a reasonably safe option for them.
3. Families of campers with high-risk individuals must consider COVID exposure risks if they send their camper to camp and determine if attendance at camp is safe.
4. Camp directors should follow the CDC requirements that special high-risk and vulnerable populations should continue to shelter in place through Phase 2.
5. Camp staff should consider whether they can work safely in camp if they have any of these conditions and camp directors should discuss potential risks for individuals with the following:
o People 65 or older o People who live in a nursing home or long-term care facility o People of all ages with underlying medical conditions, particularly if not well-controlled including: People with chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma - People who have serious heart conditions - People who are immunocompromised: Many conditions can cause a person to be immunocompromised, including cancer treatment, smoking, bone marrow or organ transplantation, immune deficiencies, poorly controlled HIV or AIDS, and prolonged use of corticosteroids and other immune weakening medications - People with severe obesity (body mass index [BMI] of 40 or higher) - People with diabetes -People with chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis - People with liver disease

C. Ensure social distancing
 All efforts will be made to keep groups confined to contact within their own groups. Each group will be   assigned their own location/area for everyday storage, play, and lunch. The thought is that when a   case is confirmed the contact can be limited to one group and there will be an already identified path   of potential travel for the virus. General adjustments have been considered for normal activities to   eliminate the amount of interaction and physical contact within groups. Example less tag and more   relay races, shadow tag.
1. Camp directors should ensure camp and staff are separated into small groups that remain as consistent as possible over a camper’s time in the program. Consider programs that function by group and dining/activity groups that are groups of groups.
a. The camp must adhere to gathering size limits as established by the Governor’s executive order. When gathering size limits are raised, the smallest practical group size should still be utilized.
b. For instance, if gather size limits are 50, then a total of 50 campers and staff can come together as a larger group of smaller consistent groups.
c. Mixing between smaller groups should be discouraged, and when larger groups gather as a collection of smaller groups, physical distancing should be used between groups, and if physical distancing is not possible, face coverings should be used (if age and developmentally appropriate).
2. Limit gatherings, events, and extracurricular activities to those that can maintain social distancing and support proper hand hygiene.
 See above. Our staff has been working diligently in the past several months to identify activities that   support social distancing.
3. At this time, campers from out of state are required to quarantine for 14 days prior to camp attendance.
 Due to the limited number of space available for camp, the current recommendation is to restrict   participation to Biddeford Residents unless as the summer progresses additional space becomes   available.
4. Restrict nonessential visitors, volunteers, and activities involving other groups at the same time.
 Under the current guidelines we will not plan for involvement of nonessential visitors/ volunteers and   other groups in camp this year.
5. Space all seating to at least six feet apart.
 Additional planning and space review is needed but in general instruction for this will be given to staff   and campers in accordance with a developed plan in the first week of camp and spaces such as   classrooms would be set up to make this feasible.
6. Consider use of ground markings and other cueing tools to help campers maintain physical distancing in group settings.
 Additional review is needed in order to explore options – i.e. tape on ground or rope
7. Close communal use spaces such as dining rooms and playgrounds if possible; otherwise stagger use and disinfect in between use.
 Weather permitting, we will be using the outdoors as much as possible but there must be provisions   for indoor programming due to inclement weather. Additional review and planning is required if there   is a decision to move forward. We are still exploring the possibilities of disinfecting the playground in-   between use of groups.
 8. If a cafeteria or group dining room is typically used, serve meals in classrooms instead. Serve individually plated meals and hold activities in separate classrooms.
 Generally, we are hoping to continue receiving meals through the school summer program as they   have been in the past. Unless they have an allergy or medical condition, all campers will be required   to use the school lunch. We will also provide one snack per day. Whenever possible lines will be     avoided, and lunch will be brought to groups. We will have kids eat lunch outside as often as possible.   As noted in #7, the program must plan for acceptable indoor alternatives during inclement weather.   Additional review and planning is required.
9. No shared food utensils or self-service food or drink areas.
 CDC guidelines will be followed.
10. Day camps should assess their meal plans and consider campers bringing their own lunches this season. When camps use kitchen facilities for serving meals, create processes for service and clearing that minimize shared contact. For example, campers can bus their own trays and dishes if possible.
 We are hoping to continue receiving meals through the school summer program as they have been in   the past. Unless they have an allergy or medical condition, all campers will be required to use the   school lunch. We will also provide one snack per day. Whenever possible lines will be avoided, and   lunch will be brought to groups. Campers will be required to buss their eating area and cleanliness.
11. Access to vending machines should be limited due to the challenge of ongoing cleaning and disinfection of common touch surfaces.
12. Stagger arrival and drop-off times or locations, or put in place other protocols to limit direct contact with parents as much as possible. Encourage car-line drop-off and pick-up systems and single-family vehicles. Discourage carpooling and parents entering the camp area. Create distance of 6 feet between campers on buses, if possible. Use face coverings if unable to maintain physical distancing. We plan to follow the CDC guidelines and have considered the plan below in response to the transportation pick-up/drop-off requirements: PICK UP & DROP OFF: • Drop off hours will be from 7:30 – 8:30 AM. At drop off, children will have a temperature check. Following the CDC guidelines, if the child has a temperature of 100.4 or higher, they will not be permitted to attend camp that day. They cannot return to camp until they are symptom free for 72 hours. • Pick up hours will be the ending hour of camp. (unless there is an extenuating circumstance) Parents will remain in their vehicle, and will be identified by their license plate number. If we have further concerns, we will ask parents or pick up to hold up their ID to the window. (Holding up an ID will be required for the entire first week) Staff will call for child over the walkie talkie, and walked out to the car by the sign out staff member. Staff members will write in sign in and sign out to encourage social distancing from the parent. We will add in our parent handbook that for safety precaution we would strongly discourage anyone being on the camper pick up list over the age of 65 or with underlying medical conditions, in the event that there is an outbreak to keep our community as safe and as healthy as we can. • Additional consideration is needed to evaluate vehicle numbers, queuing, and time for parents to manage car seat buckling, the possible family necessity for carpooling, etc.
13. Camp directors will alter programmatic activities to reflect current recommendations for physical distancing and group size. When physical distancing is not possible, face coverings should be used.
 We have a binder of social distancing activities that can be used. When physical distancing is not   possible – we will be encouraging campers and staff to use face coverings; however, there are   limitations on the use of face coverings and exceptions for children of a certain age. In light of these   exceptions the consequences of not being able to maintain physical distancing need to be reviewed in   depth.
14. Field trips to public gathering places and recreational places should be avoided. It may be possible to permit small groups to day travel to nearby recreational areas where interaction with the external community is not expected. If day camps choose to plan field trips, consider the risk of transportation and minimize contact intensity through physical distancing, face coverings, and traveling with small, consistent groups.
 In light of these restrictions there are no plans for offsite field trips although the use the local   recreation areas can be considered, i.e., St. Louis Field – Rotary Park – places that have large open   green spaces.
15. Planning should include accommodations for inclement weather that could impact physical distancing of staff and campers.
 This is a significant limiting factor. Each program/group of 10 campers and staff need their own plan   developed and the plan discussed with each group prior to camp starting. The plans will need to   consider, among other things, how to get back to their designated places while maintaining social   distancing.

D. Limit Sharing
 The camper to counselor ratio would be 2 staff to 10 campers based on the current guidance. Each   group will need their own sports equipment. Individual campers will need a bin of their own supplies   of markers, crayons, paper, etc. PERSONAL BELONGINGS – In light of the current guidelines and to   limit the potential for transmission, bringing personal belongings from home will not be permitted.   The  protocol will likely be that campers will be required to keep the following in their personal camp   bins – an extra pair of clothes, a water bottle, a towel, a bathing suit, a hat, and a pair of flips flops.   (Sneakers will be worn to camp) On Fridays personal belongings will be sent home to be   washed/cleaned to be brought back the following Monday.

1. Keep camper and staff member belongings separated from others’ and in individually labeled containers, cubbies, or areas. All personal items must be labeled with owner’s name.
 Each camper will need their own bin labeled with their name. Parents will be asked to make sure their   belongings are labeled as well.
2. Ensure adequate supplies to minimize sharing of high touch materials to the extent possible (art supplies, equipment etc. assigned to a single camper) or limit use of supplies and equipment by one group of campers at a time and clean and disinfect between uses.
Each group will need their own supplies and equipment - the items will require disinfecting after each use.
3. If food is offered to campers, have pre-packaged boxes or bags for each attendee instead of a buffet or family-style meal. Avoid sharing of foods and utensils.
 See above item C numbers 8 and or 10.
4. Avoid sharing electronic devices, toys, books, and other games or learning aids.
 Campers would be restricted from to bringing these items from home.
5. Minimize what a camper brings to camp from home.

E. Intensify cleaning, disinfection, and ventilation
1. Refer to the CDC cleaning guidance for general information.
2. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces within the camp and on buses at least daily (for example, playground equipment, door handles, sink handles, drinking fountains) and shared objects (for example, toys, games, art supplies) between uses. A daily checklist will need to be created.  
 Everything that is listed will need to be cleaned and disinfected daily. Completion will be checked off   by a staff member verified with a Director.
 Toys, games, and art supplies will need to be in personal bins.
3. Create processes for using bathrooms that encourage social distancing. Increase cleaning and disinfecting of bathrooms.
 BATHROOMS – Depending on the facility, for a group bathroom a 2 camper maximum restriction will   be implemented and monitored at all times. Staff will need to encourage social distancing. Staff will   need to periodically wipe down the sink, faucets, and door handles with the appropriate cleaning   supplies.
4. To clean and disinfect buses see guidance for bus transit operators.
 We will be following bus transit operator’s guidance regarding cleaning and disinfecting of buses.
5. Ensure safe and correct application of disinfectants and keep products away from campers.
 We will be locking the disinfectants in a cabinet with a combination lock.
6. Ensure ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible by opening windows and doors, using fans, or other methods. Coordination with building maintenance service is required. An understanding of existing systems and the feasibility of managing air flow will be required of each space prior to starting a program.
 The intent would be to utilize all the above depending on the facility used.
7. Take steps to ensure that all water systems and features (for example, drinking fountains, decorative fountains) are safe to use after a prolonged facility shutdown to minimize the risk of Legionnaires’ disease and other diseases associated with water.
8. Clean sinks and bottle filling stations frequently. Provide disposable cups for water fountains and refillable water jugs. To accomplish this campers and staff will not be able to drink directly off any water fountain.
 Water Fountains will be strictly used to fill water bottles and disposable cups.

F. Train all staff
1. Train all staff in the above safety actions. Consider conducting the training virtually, or, if in person, ensure that physical distancing is maintained.
As a considerable amount time will be required prior to camp to evaluate, develop, document and then hold a staff training week partially virtual and onsite. In person training will need to be set up such that adhering to the CDC guidelines regarding social distancing/ face coverings can be accomplished.

G. Monitoring and Preparing
HEALTH CARE PROTOCOL: Pick up and drop off would be parents remaining in vehicle. For a safety precaution, instead of asking if an ID at pick up, we would use their license plate number instead to follow social distancing. Consideration will need to be given to queuing, dealing with car seat buckling/unbuckling, etc. These details will need to be defined if there is a decision to move forward. •Arrival of camper and staff – temperature check and wash hands. •Lunch – temperature check and wash hands **Frequent hand washing throughout the day for staff and campers. Hand washing and hand sanitizing stations will be available throughout all camp locations. All staff and campers will need to wash their hands for 20 seconds. *If a temperature or other symptoms of COVID-19 are shown, the child(ren) will need to be isolated. The parent/guarding will be notified and the child(ren) will be required to be picked up within 45 minutes of the notification call . To return to camp, the camper will need to be symptom free for 72 hours, or have a doctor’s note authorizing them to return to camp.
1. Check for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 among staff and campers:
The plan is to follow the CDC guidelines for checking signs and symptoms. Consideration must be given to a situation where a parent/guardian refuses to allow a heath check or adherence to program rules.
2. Implement screenings safely and respectfully, as well as in accordance with any applicable privacy laws or regulations. Confidentiality must be maintained.
See above.
3. Camp directors may use examples of screening methods in CDC’s Supplemental Guidance for Child Care Programs that Remain Open as a guide for screening campers and CDC’s Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers on screening staff.
The plan is to follow CDC guidelines for checking signs and symptoms.
4. Require staff to stay home if they are sick.
This is self-explanatory but may impact the ability to maintain designated camper/staff ratios. Consideration needs to be given to cancellation policies and notification procedures.
5. Require parents to keep sick campers home.
The plan will require all staff and campers to stay home if they are ill.

H. Plan for when a staff, camper, or visitor becomes sick
PROCEDURE IF SYMPTOMS ARE SHOWN- If a symptom is suspected, the camp counselor will segregate the child and have the child be inspected by designated camp medical personnel, camp director, or assistant camp director. It will be deemed by one of those parties if the symptom is a risk, and a call will be made to have the child picked up. The child will need to be picked up within 45 minutes.
1. Work with camp directors, nurses, and other health care providers to identify an isolation room or area to separate anyone who exhibits COVID-like symptoms. Camp nurses and other health care providers should use standard and Transmission-Based Precautions when caring for sick people.
Prior to camp, if a decision is made to move forward, school nurses will be asked to determine the safest room for isolation.
2. Establish procedures to safely and promptly transport anyone sick home or to a health care facility. The plan is, if a camper becomes sick that they be picked up within forty-five minutes of the phone call to the parent. In questions 3-6 – the plan is to follow the guidelines that have been provided
3. Notify local and state health officials immediately of a possible case and work with them regarding appropriate communications with families while maintaining confidentiality as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Additional review and planning required to develop a protocol in accordance with established guidelines if there is a decision to move forward.
4. Close off areas used by someone who tested positive for COVID-19 and do not use before cleaning and disinfection. Ensure safe and correct application of disinfectants and keep disinfectant products away from campers.
Consideration will need to be given to development of written cleaning protocol in accordance with CDC guidelines if there is a decision to move forward.
5. Advise sick staff members and camper families not to return until they have met CDC criteria to discontinue home isolation.
Campers and staff should be evaluated by a medical provider and prior to returning obtain a physician’s note saying they are safe to return to camp. Consideration will need to be given to development of a handout to be included in the program binder to cover return to camp policy in accordance with CDC guidelines if there is a decision to move forward.
6. Inform those exposed to a person with COVID-19 to stay home and self-monitor for symptoms, and follow CDC guidance if symptoms develop.
See #5 above.

I. Maintain healthy operations
1. Implement flexible sick leave policies and practices, if feasible.
Involve Human Resources to document policies and provide appropriate policies during the staff training week.
2. Monitor absenteeism and have a roster of trained back-up staff.
The plan is to develop a checklist to keep track of absenteeism and maintain a level (to be defined) of floater counselors available if someone is sick.
3. Designate a staff person to be responsible for responding to COVID-19 concerns. Employees should know who this person is and how to contact them.
Camp Director would be the point of contact.
4. Create a communication system for staff and families for self-reporting of symptoms and notification of exposures and closures.
All communication for self-reporting of symptoms will be reported to a director or a full time member of the recreation staff.

J. Closing
1. Check State and local health department notices daily about transmission in the area and adjust operations accordingly.
The program will need to be prepared to react to changing conditions. At a minimum staff will plan to check all outlets for information on transmission in the area and will need to be prepared to adjust the camp accordingly. This may have an impact on participation and revenue if there are frequent or extended shutdown required.
2. In the event a person diagnosed with COVID-19 is determined to have been in the building and poses a risk to the community, programs may consider closing for a short time (1-2 days) for cleaning and disinfection.
PROCEDURE IF CASE IS CONFIRMED – This protocol will need to be developed but the plan is to follow CDC guidelines and local requirements.

K. Pools and other aquatic activities
1. There is an increased risk of transmission in an indoor pool. Therefore, indoor pools are recommended to be limited to single swimming lanes. 2. Pools must continue to follow Governor’s current Executive Order regarding gathering size. 3. Free/open swim times are not recommended for indoor pools at this time. 4. Keep swimming pools properly cleaned and disinfected. Proper operation, maintenance, and disinfection (with chlorine or bromine) of swimming pools should kill the virus that causes COVID-19. 5. Swimming pool directors must plan for cleaning and disinfection of items that are typically shared between individuals. 6. Face coverings should not be worn in the pool. 7. Physical distancing must be maintained to the extent possible in the pool, on the pool deck, in diving board areas, and seating areas. 8. Common touch surfaces such as hand rails, ladders, and diving platforms, should be cleaned and disinfected frequently.
9. Use of hot tubs, spas, water playgrounds, or water parks is not recommended at this time. While proper operation, maintenance, and disinfection (with chlorine or bromine) should kill COVID-19 in hot tubs, spas, water playgrounds, and water parks, you should not use these facilities within local, state, or national parks at this time because:
a. They are often crowded and could easily exceed recommended guidance for gatherings. b. It can be challenging to keep surfaces clean and disinfected. c. The virus can spread when people touch surfaces and then touch their unwashed hands to their eyes, nose, or mouth.
10. Swimming in the ocean, lakes and ponds is allowed. Physical distancing must be maintained on any beach areas:
The plan is to follow the CDC guidelines on social distancing in beach areas.

L. Camp activities

Not all regular camp activities may be appropriate when adhering to best practices to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Different activities carry different levels of risk based on contact intensity and duration, as well as the number of participants. COVID-19 is transmitted through respiratory droplets, therefore, activities that increase the spread of such droplets (e.g. singing or yelling in the close proximity of others) also carry increased risk. Camps are encouraged to focus on activities that require less group contact—this can include altering typical activities to reduce transmission risk. Resources such as the Aspen Institute “Project Play” Return to Play Risk Assessment Tool and the American Camp Association’s “Camp Operations Guide” can assist camp directors and counselors as they consider the risks of common activities and plan potential adjustments to increase the safety of camp activities.
The general plan is to base our curriculum for the Camp around social distancing and following CDC guidelines. We have a binder of social distancing activities that will be used. The outdoors will be the center of activities – weather permitting. Contingencies will need to be developed for inclement weather if there is a decision to move forward.